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Explore Careers

HCA Academy Induction Week

The HCA Academy induction week will be held at Brentwood Community Hospital in the Jackson Suite.

Below is a timetable with an overview of how the week will run and the different topics that will be covered.

HCA Academy Timetable. The left side is divided into hour slots, running from 9am to 5pm. The lessons include Role of the HCA, Intro to M+H, Practical HCA Skills, Welcome and Feedback, Professional behaviours / policies, Infection Prevention, Basic Life Support (BLS) Theory, BLS Practical, Fluid and Nutrition, Intro to Diabetes, Falls, Care of the Skin, Vital Signs and National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) Theory, Vital Signs and NEWS2 Practical, Mental Health Act (Group 1), Mental Health Awareness, Dementia and Delirium (Group 2), Mental Health Act (Group 2), Mental Health Awareness, Dementia and Delirium (Group 1), Supervision, One to One, Levels of Mental Health Observations, Patient Experience, Fire Safety, Intro to Care Certificate, Career Conversations, Plans for next week, Feedback and Evaluation