Who is it for?
This programme is free for all staff in partner organisations who work in Mid and South Essex. If your role involves working across teams or across organisations this is an amazing opportunity to develop your improvement and leadership capability.
What will I get out of it?
- You will develop your QI and Leadership skills while learning to work across professional and organisation boundaries.
- You will be able to work on a live system-wide project with colleagues from other organisations in MSE ICS
- You will be mentored by experts in quality improvement and have an Executive sponsor for your project
- You will get a personal coach
- Opportunity to learn with colleagues across the system and build networks
- Make a difference in the lives of staff and population across Mid and South Essex through your project
What is the commitment?
- Half day Intro
- 9 learning days focusing on quality, service improvement and redesign, and leadership
- Time to work on a live system project, sponsored by the MSE ICB Executive team
All details and dates are in the information pack
How do I sign-up?
Participant and manager to complete the application form and return to mseicb-cpr.icsworkforce@nullnhs.net by 17th March 2023.
Please submit any queries to Preeti Sud, Programme Lead at preeti.sud@nullnhs.net or a member of the Workforce team at mseicb-cpr.icsworkforce@nullnhs.net.
MSE ICS QI Leadership Programme Information Pack 2023-2024 – Cohort 5 (opens in a new window)
MSE ICS QI Leadership Programme Application Form 2023-2024 – Cohort 5 (opens in a new window)